In 1746 the last heir of this distantly to the Lamberties related family: Marie de Campniac, married to the Count (earl) of Conan.

Her grandson, Alexis became the last Lord of Montbrun, because there was disorder about in the land and the first signs of the revolution announced themselves.

His head did not fall under the guillotine; he succumbed, after his arrest by the representatives of the proletariat, during the ride on the horse-wagon; on the way from Montbrun to the peoples-tribunal in Paris.

The new French (revolutionary) government ordered the Montbrun Castle to be demolished whereas it was a “feudal building” that symbolized the detested nobility.

Fortunately, the 2 persons who were assigned to do this broke their legs in their attempts. The Castle was abandoned over 60 years and became a ruin.

Then, in app. 1840, it was bought from the state for 1 symbolical franc by the 3 brothers “Delabonne” (all architects) who restored it to its present state  (on the outside).

In 1917 the interior went up in flames… however the stone walls remained intact.

The last of the Labonne family (Régis de Vandiere Vitrac – son of Blanche Delabonne) protected the remains but did not have enough funds to restore it completely.

His widow sold the Castle and eventually Maarten Lamers became the new Chatelain, who completely restored the old Castle to its former glory.

In 1502, Jean Brun, the son of Louis, transformed this old and abandoned seigneurie into a chapel in the honour of  Saint Andreas, (the patron-saint of Montbrun) and where he married in 1503 with Jacquette de Bourdeilles, the great love in his live, with whom his father, till his death in 1501, had forbidden him to marry. Their happiness would not last long; She died in 1504 during the birth of their daughter Elisabeth.

Elisabeth Brun married in 1516 at the age of 12, on de order of the French King Francois 1, with a person called Porthus d'Estuer de Causade.

Their son, Louis d'Estuer was, however a loafer who, after her death, squandered the whole family-capital in the shortest of terms with partying and gambling.

To then get his hands on money, he sold the estate with the castle on the 21st of May 1571, to the Count (earl) Francois de Lambertie. Louis died childless, drunk and impoverished, as they say, under piteous circumstances.

Francois Lambertie, through his excellent relations with the King, Charles the Ninth, transformed Montbrun into a Barony, thus claiming two titles: that of Count (earl) of Lambertie and Baron of Montbrun.

Almost hundred years later, Marie, Countess of Lambertie and Baroness of Montbrun who was married to Hubert de Choisel,

died childless and without heirs. Montbrun then came into the hands of one of her second cousins: Jean the Campniac.